Welp, it's off to Health & Welfare today, for my wife and I. We have to report that I am unemployed so that we may get more food stamps until one of us finds a job.
Also, today, I need to call someone at the Dept. of Labor to inquire about my Unemployment Insurance that I submitted for on Tuesday. I know it has not been a week yet, but I have yet to even be contacted by someone there... The estimated UI that they gave me (tells you at the beginning of the application) was $157/wk. UGH! Not enough, but we can make it work since we will not be driving as much. Also, if I pay off the $546 left on the personal loan ($100/mo payment), that will help a lot. I'd be taking out of savings, but it may be required at this point... However, $546 is four car payments... So, it's definitely a tough decision. Don't want to take a hit to my credit, but don't want to wish I had those four payments for the car if that comes up...
I feel like CRAP having to live off the system like this... I don't like it. It's not the kind of people that we are! It also means that we have to stay in this PLACE that is toxic to our lifestyle, our faith, and our physical well-being.
Wish us luck, keep us in your thoughts and prayers, send good vibes.
A Visit to Dept of H&W
October 7th, 2011 at 06:12 pm
October 7th, 2011 at 06:19 pm 1318007995
Please don't harden your heart against your parents. If you don't now, I think there will be a time in your future when you really appreciate your parents,and so describing your time there as toxic is just going to make it harder for you to continue to live there. If your mother has an addiction(s) you probably know how hard they are to kick. So have some compassion for her, OK?
I don't mean to come off as lecturing, but family relationships are important.
October 7th, 2011 at 06:36 pm 1318008983
October 7th, 2011 at 07:46 pm 1318013215
October 7th, 2011 at 10:27 pm 1318022834
October 8th, 2011 at 04:01 am 1318042913
October 9th, 2011 at 05:45 pm 1318178737
That house is toxic too. No addictions, no abuse like you deal with. It's just toxic. I swore I would not go home after college - and I didn't. I'd rather die. My brother got out, went Army, got married, bought a house, nasty divorce = back in the toxic situation. So I have very close personal dealings with a lot of what you're going through. I certainly wish you the best!
Sorry, but I have to disagree with patientsaver here. You have your own family that you have to take care of. They come first. When you add in toxic and abusive situations, "family relationships" don't mean as much anymore. Not everyone can have a lovey dovey supportive family relationship.
October 9th, 2011 at 08:18 pm 1318187918
I think patientsaver agrees about the situation, but is trying to tell me not to feel so poorly against my parents. While I do appreciate his/her advice, there is also a LOT more backstory that I just don't think belongs on this blog.