Have recently been thinking, again, going to college. I am 24 years old, wife and baby, and need to figure out what I'm doing with the rest of our lives.
In the career I am in now, I could end up getting promoted to Supervisor within five or so years. With that comes a free two bedroom apartment (with most employers). This would be fine and dandy, but we do not enjoy living in an apartment as much as we would renting or owning a home with a yard where we could plant a garden, have chickens, etc.
So, school may have to be the route I go. But I don't want to do just anything. I was thinking of nursing before, but that is not what would make me the happiest, I don't think. Being outside, with nature, animals, would do it, I think. So I have been looking into Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, etc. But as a working man, it will most definitely be hard. However, living in this new area, we have many more opportunities. There are online community colleges that offer two-year Associates that transfer to four-year colleges for a Bachelors. The online, I could do. But for the two years after that, I am not sure. We have cut costs everywhere we can, and things just keep getting harder. Trying to sell our car now, and it is proving most difficult. Also, our food assistance went down from $520/mo to $171/mo. Understandably so, but still - we cannot afford it! If we sold the car, yes, we could. Trying!
BTW, my wife is looking into doing some nannying.
Here is the spreadsheet for my projections of what we will need to make.
Thinking of the Future... (Input?)
April 30th, 2012 at 08:24 pm
April 30th, 2012 at 09:48 pm 1335818933
I think your food bill could be lowered with cook from scratch foods. We are all being told to reduce the size of meat servings for good health for example.
April 30th, 2012 at 09:59 pm 1335819548
My wife would be taking our little one along with.
Don't know the balances off the top of my head. Target Card is around $400, Chase around $700.
Please keep in mind that that projected rough budget is not our current budget. Nothing about it is the same.
My wife is an amazing cook. Every single meal is from scratch. And we are vegetarians. One of the big reasons we want a garden!
April 30th, 2012 at 10:22 pm 1335820970
You may need revise your expectations ... I understand wanting to spend more to get a variety of healthy foods into your diet, but to me the phone budget looks high. Have you looked into ting.com? Low usage = low cost on their plan. We're thinking about taking the plunge into smartphone ownership with that. Also, if you get a job with good benefits, you may be able to do healthcare for less than $400 for your family. My family of 5 does a bit better than that.
I'd try to stick with apartment living for longer. The cost of renting a house probably wouldn't be offset enough by having a garden.
May 1st, 2012 at 01:21 am 1335831692
As far as apartment living. We will be in apartments at least another five years or so. Until I am out of school if that is what I decide to do. This projected budget and what-not is at least six years away.
My current job's health coverage for the entire family is almost $400. Whenever making a budget, I always round up, and think pessimistically.
May 1st, 2012 at 01:37 am 1335832675
May 1st, 2012 at 01:41 am 1335832900
May 1st, 2012 at 11:00 pm 1335909606
May 13th, 2012 at 07:37 pm 1336934222
I have made the decision to go for Oregon State University's B.S. in Fisheries & Wildlife. I have been passionate about wildlife since I can remember. It feels more natural than when I thought about doing Nursing, or when I went to school for Massage.
I have figured out the requirements needed, and will be doing those at a local college first. I just need to sign up!